Exhibition & Events
April 15 - May 14, 2022
Buropolis, Marseille
The exhibition "Cosmopolitics" takes as its starting point the assertion of a cosmos as a common good, one that shouldn't be shared as a territory to conquer and exploit, but rather as a limited resource.
Today, the conquest of space is reaching unprecedented proportions and revealing the capitalist intentions of its actors. With the arrival of Perseverance on Mars, the launch of China's first space station, and the flights of SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic, it's clear that space exploration is driven more by political and commercial objectives than scientific ones. An inevitable privatization of the cosmos is on the horizon.
"Cosmopolitics" is a reflection on the very validity of these initiatives which, in the name of progress, export the problems generated on Earth into space without seeking to question them. The colonization of celestial bodies, the pollution of low orbit, and the militaristic use of advanced technologies are already the reality of this new space era.
Between utopia and dystopia, science fiction and real events, the exhibited artworks fuel new imaginaries that offer alternative visions of our relationship with the cosmos. Eleven artists invite us to engage in a debate about the occupation of space, one from which we have been deprived.
With: Juliette Chartier, Stefan Eichhorn, Audrey et Maxime Jean-Baptiste, Adriana Knouf, Nonhuman Nonsense, Quadrature, Marina Smorodinova
with the support of DICRéAM
Quadrature is supported by:
Graphic design: Julie Savigneux
Friday, April 15, 18:00 - 21:00
Opening at Buropolis, Marseille
Exhibition opening with the curators and the artists Juliette Chartier, Stefan Eichhorn, and Marina Smorodinova
Friday, April 15, 22:00 - 02:00
Afterparty with DJ set at La Mer Veilleuse
Opening afterparty at La Mer Veilleuse bar, with a space electro DJ set by DJ Sport 2000 (Juliette Chartier) & Boylucky (Yann van der Meer)
Tuesday, 3 May - 20:30 PM
Cosmos & colonisation ~ Screening of shorts + discussion at Videodrome 2 cinema, Marseille
Selection of documentary and fictive short films that question the link between space and terrestrial colonisation. Followed by a discussion with filmmaker Julie Bellard.
> More informations
Saturday, May 14, 15:30 - 19:30
Meeting with Institut Origines and finissage drink,
at Buropolis, Marseille
Discussion at the crossroads between art and science, focusing on space law, conquest of space and origins of life. The Institut Origines (Aix-Marseille University) dedicates itself to the study of the origin of planets and life in the Universe.
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